Welcome to Ziggurat Three Dimensional Chess Instructional Videos. Some videos demonstrate and introduce pieces and some show selecting and moving pieces in a game.
Below are videos showing the initial positions and movement types of new Ziggurat 3D Chess pieces
The Wizard pieces have the greatest movement of all, above the White Wizard is moved.Wizards move between any levels, along files, rows, columns, transverses and diagonals in a straight lineCardinals move along a transverse line.Cardinals can move between any levels and can go to any square on the boardFalcons move across one or three levels jumping like KnightsFalcons always go from either even to an odd level or vice versa and can get to any square on the boardBallistas move along files and rows like Rooks and also straight up and down along columns, staying on either even or odd levelsPaladins move like Knights either on the same level or up and down two or four levelsPaladins on blue/green levels (odd numbered) always stay on them so there are Paladins for even and for odd levelsSelecting and moving a QueenSelecting and moving a WizardSelecting and moving a BallistaSelecting and moving a Guard